About Me

-Kicking the crap out of disease and illness!-

Jessica Lopez graduated from a 4-year Nursing program at Point Loma Nazarene University in May 2009 to become a Registered Nurse. Since graduation, her passion has continued to grow for holistic medicine and nutrition as she has passionately researched alternative therapies to heal herself and others through natural modalities. She graduated in March 2012  from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Holistic Health Coach. For the past three years she has been educating and empowering others through workshops, presentations, personal consultations, articles, and e-books about a wide variety of topics such as whole food, gluten-free living, digestive health, hormonal balance, raising healthy kids, Electromagnetic radiation, and toxic-free living. She has worked hand in hand with many people to help them make life transformations to regenerate their bodies.

My introduction to hospitals and doctors became very close and personal on my 11th birthday, June 18, 1998. On our way home from softball practice and a daddy-daughter dinner night, my father and I were in a motorcycle accident and were hit by a drunk driver in an old ford pick up. We were both immediately knocked unconscious and medi-flighted to the two nearest trauma centers, with a fatal prognosis. I was in a coma for a week, with brain swelling, multiple fractures in my femur, and a completely shattered shin. Two weeks later another tragedy struck our family, when my father passed away due to a malpractice case. This shattered my world like nothing I have ever experienced, and took a huge toll on my mind and body.

It took one year of intense surgeries, metal screws and plates, painful therapy and lots of prayer to get me on my feet again. By God’s grace and miraculous healing, my injuries were healed, and body restored in the year following the accident. This is when my passion for healthcare began. From this moment, I knew my calling was to encourage others through their low moments in life and help them get to a new place of optimal health and joy.

What sparked my passion for whole body health was my own health struggles and determination to find the answers. I have been on my journey to optimal health since 2005 when my digestion and hormones took a turn for the worst. I went through many different conventional doctors, specialists, medications, birth control, X-rays, MRI’s, ultrasounds, lab work, colon tests, and diets. Unfortunately my health continued to decline and my frustration continued to grow. It was then that I began to seek out natural remedies and I have loved every moment of my journey. I am so thankful for everything I have learned and the wealth of knowledge God has given to me about the human body and how we can heal ourselves through the tools he gave us!

I feel so blessed to do what I do. The Lord has taken held my hand through the trenches to teach me how to fight with and for each and every one of you and I am so glad HE did! We have all been given unique gifts and callings, and I am so excited to have found mine. It is now my passion in life to show you just how powerful the human body is. The time has come for us to take our health back…Are you ready?

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Jessica: I work with Kari Guzman at Style Associates and she has invited me several times to come to a party. I am 49 and have been pre-menopausal for at least 4 yrs. I have hot flashes, dizziness, foggy thinking, forgetfulness and no energy. If u could send me some information or when your next party is that would be great! Thank you, Kelly Barry

  2. I just found your blog doing a search for “chocolate” in the WordPress Reader. And just reading your “About Me” makes me want to read your whole blog. My family and I are fans of holistic medicine and alternative therapies, and we’re in San Diego too. So sorry to hear about the hardships you’ve experience with loosing your dad and your health issues.

    • Thanks so much for the comment! That is wonderful to hear you and your family are fans of holistic medicine 🙂 and awesome you’re in San Diego! Maybe we’ll cross paths one day! I’ll be adding much more information soon as I am transitioning over from an old website. More to come soon and if you ever have any requests for info or recipes just let me know 🙂

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